24 April 2016

Odds and Ends

In the diffuser: juniper, rosemary, frankincense and geranium... Inspired by the Green Earth spray.

On our plates: sweet potato hash with uncured bacon
                         Fresh ham steak, rice, beans, tomato sauce and fried plantains inspired by this recipe

Our weather: yesterday we had rain and a little storm
                         Today has been a beautiful sunshine filled day

Our tasks: after worship service kiddos helped with basic daily house cleaning,
yard cleaning and with other things needed throughout the day.
Matt worked diligently to finish Matthew's bedroom floor.  He is putting the baseboards back now and then putting up a table for Matthew to use for school.

Our play: reading outside, bike riding, watching the neighbor bush hog, driving trucks in the sand pile... And for me: making a batch of goat's milk soap

Reading: The Classical Teacher spring 2016


. said...

Sounds absolutely lovely!!

Sarah Tressia said...

Thank you!