Infused with happenings and allergy free living.
"Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation."
Habakkuk 3:18
09 August 2016
03 August 2016
Random Thoughts
Plates: ham steak, broccoli and potato salad prepared with homemade turmeric maple dressing
Listening: Twila Paris Ultimate Collection
Reading: Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Diebler Rose
Hooks: dish cloths
Gifting: homemade bath salts with Epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda, clay and powdered ginger
Kiddos: Matthew is ten!
Nat is 21 months and has decided he is a big boy. He wears skivvies and goes on the potty! Also, when I figure out what Nat wants he shakes his head yes, smiles and claps.
Neighbors: Last week we met our new neighbors who arrived earlier this year. They have four children including a sweet four month old baby girl. Our other neighbor, four and a half year old C, came to play today which made Isaac very happy.
Increasing: the garage sale pile... I have been on a mission to greatly decrease our possessions ... more simplicity and less cleaning...
Missing: my mom!
Looking forward: sitting on the beach... Our last trip turned into a grocery run as a storm arrived before we made it to the ocean.
09 July 2016
Isaac's Birthday
Isaac turned four on 7 July. We had a picnic lunch then went to my IV appointment. For lunch we had cold hamburg patties, homemade fries, sauted onions and kombucha. I put candles in Isaac's hamburger, but it was windy so he was only able to blow out one candle. We had rice, burger and green beans for supper. For dessert his birthday cake was gluten, dairy, egg free with very little sugar. I made peppermint frosting with melted Enjoy Life chocolate chips and a drop of peppermint essential oil. Isaac was excited to blow out four candles! He received a package from a great aunt and was thrilled with the shirts, socks and shorts! We were happy to have Grandma with us for the day!
04 June 2016
30 May 2016
Memorial Day
29 May 2016
Avocado Fries
24 April 2016
Odds and Ends
On our plates: sweet potato hash with uncured bacon
Fresh ham steak, rice, beans, tomato sauce and fried plantains inspired by this recipe
Our weather: yesterday we had rain and a little storm
Today has been a beautiful sunshine filled day
Our tasks: after worship service kiddos helped with basic daily house cleaning,
yard cleaning and with other things needed throughout the day.
Matt worked diligently to finish Matthew's bedroom floor. He is putting the baseboards back now and then putting up a table for Matthew to use for school.
Our play: reading outside, bike riding, watching the neighbor bush hog, driving trucks in the sand pile... And for me: making a batch of goat's milk soap
Reading: The Classical Teacher spring 2016
17 April 2016
Sunday Supper
Matt worked on painting our wood fences. The fences look so much nicer painted plus it will help the wood last longer.
Kiddos helped Matt and enjoyed some time to read. Abby took her plastic chair out to the tree to soak up the fresh air while she read.
Nathaniel went egg hunting all on his own. He found a duck egg, brought it in and said, "mine!" Nat waited while I fried the egg and then he ate it. He is only eighteen months but is such a big boy!
We were almost out of laundry detergent, so I made a batch using the following recipe:
9 cups water
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup castle liquid soap
Boil 3 cups water, turn off heat, add the washing soda and borax. Stir until dissolved. After the mixture cools add castle and remaining water. Stir to mix.
Use 1 to 2 Tablespoons for a front load washer